purple fish guts

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Being a Dad

Go read Daddy Manifesto from ScienceFictionTwin.

Also, it's fun...

...to be THE authority on making Kraft macaroni and cheese.

...to receive great honors like...

    "Daddy you make the best grilled cheese sandwiches in the whole world.... even better than Chili's."

...to be known as

    Daaaaaaadddddeeeeee -- with a melodic lilt in the middle

    Daddy's poop removal service

    Ginsu-Sock -- sock-wielding ninja-esque super-hero

    Spider-cutioner -- squasher of eight legged beings

...to receive great quantities of artwork on a regular basis.

...to mention "pink body splash" and watch two little girls go ballistic.

...to have in-depth discussions on topics such as...

    Why is Oscar the grouch in Ernie's bath song? He's a grouch... he's supposed to like mud baths.


    Which one is Mr. Noodle and which one is Mr. Noodle's brother Mr. Noodle?

And it's always nice to hear your daughter say "Daddy, I love you" simply because she can't think of anything else to say.