purple fish guts

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Kid computing

Since A turned three (or maybe a little before) her skills at the computer have greatly improved. Although she left-clicks the mouse with her thumb which she will probably have to unlearn someday, her mousing skills are quite good, and she can sit at the computer playing computer games for quite awhile. Her favorite website is Clifford the Big Red Dog. The website talks, and does not require reading, and she is able to play almost all of the games by herself. Mommy quickly tires of other websites which require reading and constant "What do I do now???" She also likes this site. Some of the games are beyond her, but she likes the coloring "paper" dolls, and a few others. Most of the other websites on which her big sister plays are too difficult for her. Does anyone have any suggestions of other websites that are good for little ones?