purple fish guts

Monday, October 08, 2007

Blogs I Read

Beyond the Pale
Tracey is a Christian and a cool gal. She is sometimes hysterically funny, sometimes sad, but always real. Here is one of her funnier posts about a customer at the coffeeshop she owned until very recently.

The Sheila Variations
Sheila O'Malley is an actress in New York, a voracious reader, and an amazing writer. This post is called Bombs I Have Been In. The first time I read it I was laughing so hard I was crying. I had to explain to Zoe that I was not upset. Here is one of her most powerful, excruciating posts called : The Total Dark Sublime.

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
Ree is a cattle rancher's wife, an amazing photographer and a goofball. I don't know why, but this story has somehow stuck with me.

Rickety Contrivances of Doing Good
Susan Palwick is a science fiction author, English teacher, and volunteer chaplain at her local emergency department. She also struggles with depression. She also knits. I haven't read any of her books yet, but I intend to. Here is a post I liked.

Internet Monk
Michael Spencer is a Christian teacher and writer. I love his insights. Here is a great post on marriage.

Disputed Mutability
She is a Christian who was a lesbian and blogs about homosexuality and the church. She summarizes her story in this post.

Actual Unretouched Photo and The Amazing Shrinking Mom
Mel is a stay-at-home mom, pastor's wife and homeschooler who doesn't pretend to have it all together. In the last couple of years she has lost a bunch of weight, and I am so proud of her. There have been very few times in my life where I have looked at my weaknesses and done more than feel sorry for myself. She is one of my heroes.

Anywhere But Here
Kris is the one blogger who was a friend in real life before I read her blog. She is one of my favorite people in the whole world. She has a great family, is a talented musician, and is an awesome cook.

Fat Doctor
Although I read quite a few medical blogs, Fat Doctor is my favorite. I prayed and prayed for her when she had her stroke. I still pray it will be her last.

QC Report

Quinn Cummings was a child actress, and now sells Hip Hugger Baby Slings. But mostly she is a great writer who loves to laugh at herself. I can't help but laugh with her.

These are only a few, but it is a good start. I'm off to update the blogroll in my sidebar to better reflect what I'm reading lately. Check them out!