purple fish guts

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Chicago was awesome!

Although we weren't able to see the Toulouse Lautrec exhibit, the Art Institute was amazing. Kris has great pictures here. Although I am artistically impaired, I have a great appreciation for the work of those who aren't. Prints are great when you can't see the real thing, but there is nothing like seeing the colors as they were intended, the true size of the work, the three dimensions of the brushstrokes. I could spend days there.

Like Kris, I was inspired, too. Unlike Kris, I am not an artist, and I couldn't design my way out of a preschool fingerpainting class. I do love to knit and weave, though. Being amidst the art made me want to create too, especially after seeing this Diego Rivera painting. I learned to weave when we lived in Santa Fe, and Blue made me a backstrap loom much like the one in the painting, and a large walking loom. I haven't woven much since A was born 2-and-a-half years ago, but I think I might start it up again.